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Hello Dear Reader,

It has been a rather long couple of weeks with each day spent in anticipation, waiting for "the" phone call offering me an interview. It is all I can think about at the moment hence my lack of interesting things to say on the blog and not responding to comments on the blog. Sorry for my absence in that special place, I love to receive comments on my little blog, it is what keeps my going in blog-land, but an unanswered comment, on my part, is bad form too.

Todays post covers two shops, one from last Friday and a smaller one for Wednesday, LH has changed his work days so the shopping now is being done on a Wednesday hence the overlap.

What we bought

Fridays shop from Aldi

Fridays shop from the Northside Discount Fruit Barn

Wednesdays shop from Aldi and Coles (over 50's vitamins for me)

Wednesdays shop from the Northside Discount Fruit Barn  What we spent Aldi-$99.58 Northside Discount Fruit Barn-$48.52 Coles-$25.00 TOTAL-$173.10 What we ate

Friday-Wattie's Baked Beans on Rye Sourdough Toast

Saturday-Cheesy Leek, Bread and Butter Pudding

Sunday and Monday-Herby Mushroom and Garlic Pie with Roasted Pumpkin and Grilled Broccoli

Tuesday-Prawn Stir Fry

Wednesday-Pan Fried Fish with Roasted Pumpkin and Broccoli and Steamed Potato with Sour Cream


One Year Ago-No Blog Post Today  Two Years Ago-No Mixing Bowl, Chocolate Cake  Three Years Ago-Overnight Oat and Chia Breakfast Pudding Four Years Ago-Caramelised Garlic  Hello Dear Reader,

I am running late today due to sleeping in, I didn't have a great nights sleep and when the alarm went off this morning I turned it off and promptly went back to sleep, for 3/4 of an hour, so I am really behind today. I don't have time to waffle on so instead I will leap right in to how I saved money this week.

1. Made two new recipes this week that didn't contain meat, they were both filling and completely delicious. I was also able to use up the last of our homegrown leeks that were in the crisper draw, it was high time they were used up.

Herby Mushroom and Garlic Pie  Cheesy Leek, Bread and Butter Pudding

2. Used up leftovers for dinner. On Monday night I had the last piece of smoked salmon on two small ends of sourdough toast, topped with a perfect egg and finished off with sour cream, capers and some hollandaise. LH had a slice of leftover mushroom pie and leftover veggies from the night before. 3. Made a batch of this muesli, this muesli never gets old. I can only imagine how much a box of this would retail for...it has oats, macadamias, cashews, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, sesame seeds and honey.  4. LH made a fabulous prawn stir fry using up the last quarter of a Wombok cabbage that I had bought to make this salad when we went away camping a few weeks ago. He catches the prawns in a cast net, so free protein for the win! 5. We finally used up the last of the Weetbix from when we went camping, we did enjoy them but I'm kinda glad to see the back of them. This morning we can enjoy our muesli, fruit and yoghurt

5a. LH went fishing on Monday and caught quite a few fish, so we had fish using this recipe on Wednesday. Again, I love free protein.  Over to you, how did you save money this week? One Year Ago-What we bought at our Free Range Butcher...You may want to sit down first! Two Years Ago-Thai Inspired Peanut Soup with Sweet Potato and Spinach  Three Years Ago-Cashew and Date Bliss Balls  Four Years Ago-My Kitchen Gadgets that I actually use, all the time  Hello Dear Reader,

I've been thinking a lot about the connection we have to the food we eat, simply because we have been eating slightly different things lately. One example is we have been eating up the leftover Weetbix from when we went camping, naturally they come in a cardboard box wrapped in plastic and to go with the Weetbix we have Cocoquench, again it is in a carton with a plastic cap. I wrote these items down on our shopping list and LH picked them up off the shelves at our local Coles supermarket, bought them home and put them in our pantry, there is no other story behind these products that we see or experience before buying them.

Our usual weekday breakfast consists of homemade muesli, which we both love so much. We buy all the rolled oats, nuts, seeds and honey that go into the muesli from Simply Good. We both drive up together to Morayfield and spend some time selecting what and how much we need from the bulk bins, it is as close to a date that LH and I have these days and we both enjoy this time spent together.

When I go to make the muesli, I measure out all the ingredients into my favourite big bowl that I bought from Norfolk Island and lugged back in carry on luggage many years ago. I then mix all the ingredients together with one of my big flexible silicon spatulas that I picked up at a local OP Shop a long time ago and pop it into a lined tray usually lined with re-used baking paper. I then pop the tray into our preheated oven and lovingly stir the muesli every 10 minutes for about an hour until everything is golden brown and smelling divine. Once cooled, I spoon this gorgeous muesli into one of my big jars that I picked up at one of our fantastic OP Shops on the Peninsula.

We also love homemade yoghurt for breakfast, to start with LH buys a litre of organic milk from Aldi (I like to think the cow had a better life because of the organic label, I maybe wrong but it works for me) I pour that milk into my Thermomix that LH bought me last year for Valentines Day (brownie points forever) add some sugar and powdered milk that he has bought from Aldi and scold the milk for 30 minutes at 95C for 30 minutes, I then let the milk cool till it has reaches 37C and add 100 grams of yoghurt from the last batch that I freeze down when portioning up the yoghurt (that is a tip I learnt from Wendy over at "My Abundant Life") the mixture is gently heated at 37C for 10 minutes, while this is happening I boil water in our kettle that we have had for about 15 years and pour into the Thermoserver to preheat it. When the yoghurt is ready I pour out the still very hot water from the Thermoserver into the sink and reuse it for washing up. I then wipe out the residual water with a clean tea towel (that are dried on the line and folded Marie Kondo style) and pour in the waiting mixture that will eventually be yoghurt. The Thermoserver is wrapped firstly in my Thermomat then in a large orange towel (that was a freebie from when our son bought his second car) and left to ferment on my granite topped kitchen island bench that we bought from a local second hand place many years ago.

See, there is a story behind everything homemade, from the recipe and ingredients to the utensils and method you use in making whatever you're making.

Go ahead, make my day, tell me of a special connection you have to the food you make and eat.

Have a lovely day, 💖Fi

One Year Ago-How to Measure Flour for Accuracy Two Years Ago-Blondies with Walnuts and Choc Chips (Ironically, I am making these this morning) Three Years Ago-Slow Cooker, Honey Sesame Beef Four Years Ago-What Being Frugal Means to Me

Hello Dear Reader,

I enjoyed doing this kind of post last week so much that I have decided to make it a regular weekly post, I would love you all to join in with this simple "what's happening in my life right now" themed post, as I found it quite lovely to stop and think about the undercurrents that form my life.

On My Mind- Thinking how will I get through a whole month without any kind of leave from work (except weekends of course) January had Australia Day, February I had a week off, now with March, there is no public holiday nor time off from work. The next leave I have will be for Easter in April. I have applied for one extra day leave for the Tuesday following Easter Monday so that will give me 5 glorious days at home. That is something I will have to remind myself of through this long slog of a month.

On the Breakfast Plate- We are still getting through the last packet of weetbix, I really want to use them up otherwise they will go past their use by date, as they are our normal camping breakfast and we won't get to go camping again probably till next year. We bought some more SPC peaches in juice and Cocoquench to go with them. For our weekend breakfast we had smoked salmon on sourdough with sour cream, capers and a perfect egg.

On My Reading Pile Still reading and rehearsing for the possible interview for the new position at work. I learn by rote  to imbed the information into my weary brain.

On My TV I did watch one of my favourites movies on Saturday night, Pride and Prejudice, I just adore this version of this all time classic period drama. I almost know it off by heart. Oh that Mr Darcy!

On the Menu This Week I made a couple of new to me recipes that didn't involve meat, they were both delicious and well received by LH From the Camera (Phone)

I was scrolling back through my Instagram account and found this old photo, what a hoot. It was taken in 1986, a year before we were married. We were at a wedding and we both thought we looked fabulous! Hello big hair and shoulder pads for me and how is J-Cool with his shades and waist coat! Looking Around the House I spent nearly 3 hours dusting and polishing all the furniture and surfaces on Saturday, it looks and feels like a veil has been lifted from our home. Chore I'm Not Looking Forward To Today or This Week  The garage is sadly neglected with lots of stuff that has just been dumped in there, it needs a good clear out and clean up, so I will address that on Saturday afternoon.

Over to you, Dear Reader, join in the fun, simply copy and paste and post in the comments-

On My MindOn the Breakfast PlateOn My Reading PileOn My TVOn the Menu This WeekFrom the CameraLooking Around the HouseChore I'm Not Looking Forward To Today or This Week  Have a lovely day, 💕Fi

One Year Ago-Oat and Peanut Butter, Dog Treats Two Years Ago-Sunny Side Up Sunday Three Years Ago-Red Cabbage Sauerkraut  Four Years Ago-This Weeks 5 Frugal Things on a Friday

Hello Dear Reader,

I have been wanting to try making pastry in the Thermomix for a long time, but it just seemed too tricky, you see pastry has been my nemesis, my kitchen fail, for as long as I remember. Except for Mums everyday pastry, which is really more like a light biscuit texture and very easy to make and handle, I have had lots of trouble with pastry shrinking on me.

I knew I would have to have time and a cool kitchen to make this pastry so on Sunday morning, I popped the air conditioning on and set to work. Making the pastry itself is so very simple, like one step easy, pop everything into the TM bowl and push play, it is the rolling out technique that is a little more tricky. But then again not too tricky, more like origami!

I have been hankering after a meat free pie for a while and this little recipe ticked all of the boxes for me, lots of lovely herby mushrooms topped off with a creamy garlicky sauce all encased in a light as air pastry. It actually holds together beautifully when you slice it too, no fall apart pastry and the filling is sturdy enough not to spill out of the pie once cut.

Want to know more? Read on.

To make the pastry Ingredients for Quick Butter Puff Pastry-200 grams of butter cut into 2 cm cubes and frozen, 200 grams of plain flour, 90 grams of cold from the fridge water and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Place all the ingredients in the TM bowl and blitz for 20 seconds on speed 6 Place pastry dough onto a floured surface or silicon mat and shape into a rough square, wrap well and pop into the fridge for at least 30 minutes, or as I did, all day, till I needed it in the afternoon.  Remove pastry block from the fridge and let soften. Roll out a rough rectangle about 60 cm x 20 cm  Now flip the top 1/3 into the middle  And do the same with the bottom 1/3 Turn pastry bundle 1/4 turn and repeat rolling and turning process 2 more times Divide into two fairly even balls, wrap and pop them back into the fridge until needed  For the Herby Mushroom and Garlic filling, clockwise from left-750 grams of mushrooms, sliced, salt and pepper to taste, 100 grams of thickened cream, 1 1/2 teaspoon each of dried oregano and rosemary, 20 grams of plain flour, 4 cloves of garlic, peeled and 4 eggs at room temperature  -Firstly blitz garlic for 3 seconds/speed 7, scrape down sides, add 15 grams of oil and sauté for 3 minutes/Varoma/speed soft spoon without MC (measuring cup) Set aside till needed   Add sliced mushrooms and herbs to the Varoma Basket and give it a good stir  Add 300 grams of water to the TM bowl, place Varoma basket in position and insert the lid, cook for 10 minutes/Varoma/speed 2, give the mushrooms a really good stir and cook again for 4 minutes/Varoma/speed 2. Remove cooked mushrooms and set aside to cool and drain  Take one ball of pastry out of the fridge and roll out on a floured surface to approximately 27 cm in diameter, line greased pie dish with pastry circle and fill with cooled mushroom mixture  Add the cooked garlic back to the TM bowl along with the eggs, cream, plain flour and salt and pepper to taste  And cook for 2 minutes/80C/speed 2 Pour this creamy garlic mixture over mushroom mixture  Roll out remaining pastry ball and gently seal pie by pinching edges together, rustic is best. Cut a cross in the top and brush with milk, or as I did, some watered down cream.  Bake for 30 minutes at 180C or until golden brown  I have to say I just love it, that pastry is so light and crisp with a lovely mouth feel and the herby, garlicky mushroom filling is just delicious.  Have a lovely day, 💗Fi One Year Ago-Sunny Side Up Sunday/One Second Every Day, February 2019 Two Years Ago-What we bought, spent and ate this week  Three Years Ago-This Weeks 5 Frugal Things on a Friday Four Years Ago-Have Fun Cruising Without Blowing the Budget  Hello Dear Reader,

This recipe came about as I had some home grown leeks that needed using up, I had harvested them quite a while ago and they were languishing in the crisper draw, every time I opened the draw I thought to myself, I really must use up those leeks. So on Saturday I finally set about putting them in  a recipe.

I had made this savoury bread and butter pudding before and we just loved it, the combination of soft bread and savoury filling was just delicious. I have made this recipe in my Thermomix but you could easily make it without one. Simply sauté the garlic, leeks and spinach together and spread over the bread and mix the eggs, milk and sour cream together before pouring over the awaiting bread, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake.

Ingredients for Cheesy Leek Bread and Butter Pudding, clockwise from top, 2 good sized leeks (about 300 grams) white and light green parts only, sliced, 60 grams of baby spinach, 6 large eggs at room temperature, 100 gram of tasty cheese, cut into 3cm cubes, 30 grams of butter, 3 cloves of garlic, a few sprigs of thyme, leaves only, 300 grams of sour light cream, 350 grams of milk, 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard, salt and pepper to taste and a loaf of sourdough bread.  Place the slices of sourdough bread in a buttered casserole dish, in an overlapping pattern  -Add the cheese cubes to the TM bowl and grate on speed 9 for 3 seconds, transfer to a bowl and pop in the fridge until needed  -Add garlic to the TM bowl and blitz on speed 7 for 3 seconds, scrape down sides  Now add the butter to the TM bowl along with the sliced leeks, thyme, baby spinach and salt and pepper, sauté for 8 minutes at 100C, reverse, speed 2 -Spread this delicious smelling mixture over awaiting bread, I used the back of a spoon to spread it over, under and around the bread slices  Now add the eggs, sour light cream, milk and Dijon mustard and blitz on speed 5 for 20 seconds  Pour this savoury custard mixture over awaiting bread slices and let sit for 10 minutes, sprinkle over grated cheese then bake at 170C for 40 minutes  Golden and delicious  It is surprising light and very delicious.  I made this as an easy Saturday night dinner but I also think it would be wonderful as a special brunch dish or even a lovely lunch.

Have a lovely day, 💞Fi

One Year Ago-What we bought, spent and ate this week  Two Years Ago-This Weeks 5 Frugal Things on a Friday Three Years Ago-Pumpkin, Chickpea and Coconut Curry Four Years Ago-What we ate this week