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Hi all! First of all, thank you for your comments! Some were not getting through, but I think that the glitches have been fixed. I am looking forward to spring, and indulging the more romantic side of cottage style lately. I tend to swing between a mix of styles on a regular basis anyway.  I also went sort of off script and bought this whimsical gardeny themed wall art that I saw on Amazon. I don't do much large scale whimsy in my decorating, but it is so cheery and has every garden fantasy I possess in one image.  As usual I have been trying things out in the nursery/guestroom. This room has the most sunny window in the morning and so a lot of plants get revived for a spell in here now and then. I sometimes put on the spa music and pore over my books and magazines for a moment or two of reviving myself!  I forage fleamarkets for anything garden this time of year too, and just found this darling little plant stand. A few McCoy vases show for now, but I love using a garden stand on a table to serve from or for displays. A shame to cover it up with too many plants! Haha! These are the latest bits of linen and laces! I just love the creamy color, and the crochet trim on things. Nothing more romantic than lace! The one in front is an especially old shawl.  I also found a couple of old wooden hotel hangers for two bucks each. I have even visited San Ysidro Ranch in Santa Barbara! These are full of old romance with the perfect patina.  This space may be very small, but it has held many big dreams. . . . Happy days ahead! Jacqueline Cone join me at Common Ground & Follow the Yellow Brick Home FOR All About Home AND Shabby Art Boutique Create-Bake-Grow-Gather-sidebar-button Hello Friends! It's almost Valentines Day and so I am sending you all the love! It has been a long while since I checked in here, but as you will soon see, not much has changed. I think I mentioned that I have a new camera, so this is a very experimental post. I always want things to be simpler than is possible, and I don't want to spend the time it takes to learn new gadgets. But things finally reached critical mass and I think I made a breakthrough! I just started with what is right in front a me as a subject, but there are always one or two new things of course.  I am so proud that after two years my Oxalis shamrock is still alive! It went completely dormant, wilted, and lost all it's growth just before Christmas. I panicked! But I read up and learned that due to conditions that this is kind of normal. I repotted, got it a sunny window, and you wouldn't believe how fast it all came back. I'm just so pleased!! This little embroidered runner is new to me and makes me almost as happy as my resurrected plant. I use my few seed sacks in a ton of different ways, and always have them ready nearby too. And a couple of mustard pots still line the shelves. And pitchers in a row. (I would need detailed instructions on how to live without those...) There have been so many dark days that I decided to leave my lighted birch trees up a while longer. I brought them home from the shop and still couldn't find the heart to put them away. There have been so many houseguests of late that I find they are a lovely way to light the way in an unfamiliar place. A gentle night light emanating from the center of the whole house.  There are only small changes to the top cupboard shelf. Sometimes I just want to look at something different! These little brown baby boots are new here and cheery as all get out! And after a very long time of longing I managed to get a few sprigs of tallow berry to decorate with. They are not native here, but I love the way they look in vignettes. The days whiz by. Folks come and go. Before we have a chance to look up we have turned another year older. I find that I don't change things up as often as I used to, and love the sameness of things more. At least in the wintertime. . . . I hope that this finds you surrounded by all that you love too! Cheery days ahead to you! Love,  Jacqueline Join me at Shabby Art Boutique for the prettiest blog party! sidebar This was our Thanksgiving Day surprise! (Shot by my lovely DIL and friend Shari Sue.) The storm made the holiday truly thrilling and even more memorable.

All of these shots are either borrowed or shot from my phone, which I am very unused to doing. After almost ten years of blogging I have had to upgrade my camera and am now having to upgrade my tech skills as well. Don't worry! I saved all my geriactric complaints for the computer store guys! (Well some folks around here heard some too.) Ten years covers a boatload of gizmos and gadgetry, let me tell you. Shari took this pic just before we sat down for the biggest meal ever made in our dinky little kitchen. Everybody pitched in and threw on settings for thirteen. I made a last minute decision to use some transferware and I think it made an inadvertant statement all its own. I was so pleased to see how it all turned out! Busy, crazy, and crowded. Just like so many of our holidays here in this little cottage house. It's a bit too quiet now around the fire. (But in a good way! Haha!) I hope it was a lovely day for all of you and yours. Ours all made it home without too much trouble. Time now for the next big thing! Might as well settle in and enjoy the journey. Love and joy come to you! Jacqueline Come join us at: Tuesday Turn About @My Wee Abode Common Ground & Follow The Yellow Brick Home

Hello friends! I missed the entire month of October blogging, and this basket is almost as close as I got to decorating for it! I have been living an unstaged life for quite a while now. Some seasons of life are like that, don't you think? I use my market baskets pretty constantly, but I have a habit of stowing stuff in the large wicker baskets when I don't have room for stuff, and they are usually all over the place. So handy! I was real pleased how good they look stacked up together at this end of the dining room. We have had a lot of visitors over the summer and early fall, so not much has changed decoratively speaking. But I have managed to take a break for finding treasures now and then. Nothing is so relaxing as mindlessly picking through other people's stuff! LOL! This little garden sieve charmed me and has found a temporary spot in the empty frame that I change out now and then. It in turn frames a favorite teeny print of mine and gives it a bit more presence. (Oops! Even fuzzier than I thought.) A change of table linen is rather constant. And these just got folded from the wash. I thought they could make a nice backdrop to show you a few recent finds! More on these a little further on... For now, this is what's happening on the little patio. We had to scramble to bring in the house plants when the overnight temps took a sudden plunge. I wish I was one of those persons who had it all together both inside and out!! But my Swedish ivy and shamrocks survived life on the patio over summer and even rewarded us with a little bloom when we brought them in. These guys are sort of a record for me keeping houseplants alive. I'm so proud! (Hope it lasts!  :0)) I was thrilled to find a couple of new marmalade pots! They are not so cheap here and was happy to pay 15 each. I love the patina on the left one. I can't tell you how cheery it was to find this little china creamer with the fall leaves on it! Berries on the other side. That just might be it for the fall decorating around here! I also wish I had one of those so chic kitchens that I see all over. But ours is so small that I have finally given it over to pure function. It is usually full of a thousand people all cooking and cleaning together. We did manage to get an installer for the range hood between guests a couple of weeks ago. We have been without one for a dozen years. Taking out the overhead cupboards made the room breathe so much easier even though we lost so much storage.  I thought I would hate it, but I don't. And that little wooden wall rack with hooks that I already had fits perfectly underneath it! Adding a standing pot tower is next. A precious new transfer ware trivet tile. And a pretty little piece from an old clock! Not sure where I will use it yet. This is the eensiest gathering basket I have ever seen. So cute! It may end up as a Christmas tree ornament. I also found this larger one full of stone eggs. They are so hefty and smooth, and have a bit of a flat side so they don't roll. I just like having one in my hand like a worry stone. Who can't use that!?! Haha! There are exactly a dozen. Come on over and try one out! Finally, I came across this adorable sampler that I am sure was waiting especially for me and my little cottage house. I love the fall colors, but also the evergreen trees. Thanks so much to the anonymous hands that stitched it up! So nice that you stopped by! Thanks for checking in. Hope it's a great week for you! Jacqueline