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Thank you to all who commented on the Holiday Favorites Blog Hop.  It sure was fun.  Remember the giveaway I had of two Christmas pillow covers?  The giveaway goes to Kelly, with comment #15.

Kelly, who was also part of the blog hop, had a great post last week with pictures of Christmas cookie decorating with her grandchildren.  I am sure the new pillow covers will fit right in with her great Christmas decorations.  Kelly was also the blogger that showed us how to make a "snow" scene with salt and small Christmas items in an old jar. (Here) Congratulations Kelly, on the win! This is my last post of 2019, and I am looking forward to a very productive 2020.  I have put new eyes on my many UFOs.  My age has made me realize that if I don't work on finishing them, they will not get finished in my lifetime.  And I do want to see them finished - and by me. So after putting the Christmas decorations away in the basement, I gave a long hard look at the UFOs down there.  There are shelving units on one wall of the basement, and lined up on them are shoe boxes, cardboard boxes, and bags with projects in them that I have stopped working on for one reason or another.  Yesterday, armed with index cards, I made out a card for each UFO.  The card has this information on it:      Name of project     What shelf it is located on in the basement     What kind of project it is (full quilt, doll quilt, pillow, other)     What season of the year I was planning on using it in     What method needs to be done next (applique, embroidery, piecing) I was preparing myself for the dreaded total number......which is one of the reasons I've been delaying getting this information down on paper.  I figured it would be close to 40 or 50 UFOs.  It was, but then some more were found in the quilt room, and some more in the family room.  But it was not the discouraging reality that I thought it would be, because I do love all of them, and now have a clear picture of what I have and a plan to get them finished!  Very satisfying.  And the number is just a number.....nothing to be afraid of.  Also, I have less interest in starting a new UFO now, while these are refreshed in my memory.  I have the index cards in a little dish by my handwork area, and am enjoying looking at them, and sorting them in various ways.  I will keep them here to remind me to focus on my goals.  I selected 12 of them that are at least 85% finished, and will be working on one each month during 2020.  It will be wonderful to get 12 projects completed. So at the end of 2020, I will have only about 50 UFOs, which is what I was guessing I had right now.  And in 2021, I will choose 12 more to finish, and so on.  Feels great to have a plan. Happy New Year to all of you, and may 2020 bring us all a successful quilting year.  I'm looking forward to seeing what is on your design wall!  (Next week I will have something on my wall - one of my UFOs that is almost finished.) Please provide a link back to this particular blog post from somewhere within your blog post.  I thank you for doing so.   You are invited to the Inlinkz link party! Click here to enter