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Hey there.

Here's a little peek into life lately...
Ashby had a pencil and little coloring booklet at the counter the other day.  I kept trying to talk to her and she was ignoring me.  Finally, she looked up and said, "I not talk now.  I do my homework."  This kid cracks me up!

Rainy afternoons when we're home from school...a boy and his Legos...and a mama with her magazine and coffee.

 It started raining while we were playing outside, so they huddled under a big umbrella.  Think someone loves her big sister?

 Speaking of which...when did her big sister get so BIG?!  What happened to my baby???  She came downstairs dressed like this for school and I wanted to cry.  Stop. Growing. Up.

 On Friday morning, I let the big kids ride their bikes to school for the first time.  They were so pumped about this!!  They asked me how old they had to be before I let them ride without me walking behind them...and I said 18. 

They have a bike rack at school, so we parked their bikes, left their helmets and they rode home after school (with me behind them).  The first of many bike rides to school!

I had these two on our town square Friday at lunch.  I mean...they are just so much fun.

On Friday night, we had dinner at one of our favorite places...Maggiano's!  Who doesn't love a good pasta supper on a Friday night?!

Smith took a picture of Ashby and me.  She was so excited to be matching mama on that rainy Sunday.

 "Guess Who" was tired after church on Sunday?

Every single time I look at this picture, I laugh out loud!  So funny!

Wrapped up my weekend with a little Sunday school girls night out...at this painting place.  They walk you through step by step how to all paint the same thing.  We had such a good time!

It stopped raining long enough for us to ride backs on Tuesday night.  As we were going inside, I asked them to stop for a pic.  This is what I got...

She's smiling at the wall.  This girl thinks she's a comedian!  


That's a little look at life lately.

Hope you're having the best day!  It's almost Friday!!!!

And for dinner tonight...

See the simple (and yummy!) recipe here.
