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. . . Nancy Pelosi's galling hypocrisy takes a back seat only to her astounding arrogance. by Douglas Andrews: An apology. That's what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanded when she got caught sneaking into a tony San Francisco salon to have her hair washed and styled.

Never mind that the salon had been closed to the rest of us for the past six months due to her political party's COVID-19 restrictions. And never mind that Pelosi — who'd been chirping in President Donald Trump's ear for months about wearing a mask — had been captured on the salon's security tape without wearing a mask herself.

No, never mind all that. Because Nancy is the victim here, folks. Poor, poor, pitiful Pelosi has been bamboozled by a bad old businesswoman, and she's indignant.

"I think that this salon owes me an apology for setting me up," she said. "I take responsibility for trusting the word of a neighborhood salon that I've been to over the years many times," she continued. "And that when they said, 'Well, we're able to accommodate people one person at a time, and that we can set up that time,' I trusted that. As it turns out, it was a setup. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup."

This, of course, was the equivalent of tarring herself and calling out for the feathers. And the inimitable veteran journalist Brit Hume was more than happy to oblige. Hume harkened back to the days of longtime Washington, DC, Mayor Marion Barry, who in 1990 found himself in a hotel room with a hooker, some crack cocaine, and a slew of FBI agents.

Unbowed and unapologetic, Hizzoner quickly assessed the situation and delivered one of the most stirring bits of oratory in modern political history: "B—h set me up."

Of course, the circumstances surrounding Speaker Pelosi's scandal are slightly different than Barry's, but if we hold our ear to a large conch shell, we can almost hear her gnashing her teeth and sputtering the same thing: "B—h. Set. Me. Up."

Unfortunately for the speaker, there was plenty more ridicule where Hume came from.

"Between Pelosi eating ice cream while people head to the breadlines and Pelosi getting a blow dry while business-owners are barred from opening, she's definitely got a Marie Antoinette thing going here," mocked Ben Shapiro.

"Describe how the government handled the pandemic & economic crisis using just two photos," teased Jason Howerton while juxtaposing pictures of Pelosi eating $13-a-pint ice cream in front of her $24,000 fridge and Pelosi waltzing through a ritzy San Francisco salon for a nice blowout.

This is all very funny, and so is the notion that Nancy Pelosi is some sort of master political strategist. She's a dolt, as Jim Geraghty painstakingly points out. "So far this year," he writes, "Pelosi has denounced the drone strike against Iranian leader Qasem Soleimani as a 'provocative and disproportionate action,' torn up the State of the Union Address behind Trump, tried to put abortion funding in a coronavirus relief bill and then tried to put state and local tax deductions for high earners in a relief bill, called for a police reform bill that is 'worthy of George Kirby's name,' and made an embarrassingly patronizing photo-op wearing a kente cloth. Admit it, you forgot about half of these."

And you thought all we had to worry about was Joe Biden. ----------------------Douglas Andrews writes for The Patriot Post.

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