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When you message is, "defund the police," you want people to think:

Huh, yeah, the police just might be more trouble than they are worth.  They could use a little less support.  We'd be better off with fewer of them. The way you convince the average voter is more of that.  Talk like that.  The way you scare them to the hills is to riot and kill nigh nightly.  Average Americans look at unrest and disorder like that and think, ya know, maybe we need to double police.  And give them raise.

Who am I kidding.  They aren't listening to me, and never will.  And many of those folks rioting don't actually want that kind of police reform.  They want the madness and chaos.

Maybe we shouldn't make any more Joker movies.

Anyway, in a perfect work, I'd love to see some police reforms myself.  Stuff like:

  • Cutting out no-knock raids on all but the proven violent.  And maybe even them.  
  • Not using cops as revenue enhancers or enforcers.
  • Qualified immunity reform.
  • Cops concentrating on the hard cases, rather than easy stuff.  Busting weed smokers is easy, instead of robbers.  I sympathise with cops not wanting to get hurt going after robbers and murderers, &c., but...  That's sorta the job we, the Public, most want them to do.  
  • War on Some Drugs is awful at its root, and there should be less of it.
  • DA reform.  A lot of problem people have with cops is really problems they have the Distict Attorneys pushing the cops.  I have no idea how to fix DA's though.
  • Not confiscating perps' property without due process.  
  • Fewer laws.  We have over-criminalized EVERYTHING.  It'd be better if average folks sorta had a handle on what is criminal and what is not.  Better for the police, too.