I am hampered by my preconceptions, as I have read the book. More than once. Having been a naval officer, one often gravitates to C. S. Forester stuff, at least eventually. Someone going in cold might enjoy it without the quibbles I bring.
So, these limitations aside? It is still pretty good as a movie. Worth seeing, in my book, but no tour de force.
The Enemy Below and Das Boot are better U-Boat vs. Destroyer movies. Balance of Terror, too.
The CGI quality is mixed, sometimes very good, but not always. I wonder if they used a Fletcher class for part of the sets.
I did like how he elevated the mess mate that must have been in the book into a more major character. That was actually a good touch.
The trailer is more exciting than the movie.
If you have Apple Plus tv channel, or whatever, see it. Don't get Apply plus just for this.