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by Mario Murillo Ministries: The people of God are tired. Weary from the unceasing barrage of polls, pundits, politicians, and prophets. Every newscast, instead of delivering the news, just has people screaming at each other. Each evening we are treated to scenes of burning buildings and rioters attacking cities while police are ordered to stand down.

The virus-induced isolation exacerbates an already horrible situation. There is a special toll on the people of God who are pressing into the Spirit. They feel the brunt of unceasing calls to pray, vote, speak out, and pray again. And even more.

The child of God is hit from two sides. There's the ever-increasing urgency of preachers and prophets and their calls to action on behalf of Trump. At the same time, our demonic news media pours out gloom and doom about Donald Trump's chances in November.

Not only are the media, universities, Hollywood, and crazed Democrat leaders against him, it seems that circumstances are pitted against him, also. The virus makes his rallies nearly impossible. The Democrat's dirty trick of keeping Biden in his basement until Election Day is infuriating and confirms that even the DNC believes Biden's mental capacity is diminishing.

That is the very battle fatigue which was setting in on me, as well. I am asked every day to give an interview. I myself am interviewing people. I am furiously busy encouraging leaders behind the scenes. I am daily in prayer and then I turn to my prodigious pile of homework. I start with the Word of God and then move on to some of the outlets I trust, in order to get a factual picture from the frontlines. All of it ends with more prayer, as I get to work, boiling it all down to what I should write to you.

I thought…if I'm tired, how tired are you? Fatigue is our underrated enemy. Vince Lombardi said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all." It was as I reflected on our common fatigue, that the question of whether or not Donald Trump is going to win in November came into perspective. And it hit me—we can't keep raising the call to action without a much-needed balance. Let me explain.

One of the most dangerous things you can do is carry a sense of responsibility for something over which you have no control. Yes, I will continue to write and chastise the sleeping church, but I dare not drain the Army of God. To that end, I feel I must answer the question of Trump's reelection.

I needed God to infuse my spirit with discernment, wisdom, and power. I found exactly what I needed in these verses:

"Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious]" (Ephesians 6:13 AMP)

We are in that evil day. And, after all the calls to action, this is what must dominate our spirit: We put on the entire armor of God. We must do everything God tells us to do—and having done everything, we are to stand—just, stand. God must take it from there.

America's fate must be firmly placed in the hands of God. After Daniel repented on behalf of all of Israel, he then had to leave it there. Paul wrote to the Philippians from prison, and then had to leave it there. And, finally, even Jesus had to say, "Father, into Your hands, I commit my spirit."

Then I remembered a night nearly 4 years ago. A night I still recall with dread. It looked like a Hillary Clinton presidency was inevitable. Out of sheer duty, I watched what I believed would be an unfolding nightmare. Many of you remember that night. There was that perceivable moment when the first glimmer of a miracle began to unfold. Then that glorious moment when looks of dismay crept across the faces at CNN and MSNBC. What began as a trickle, began to grow into a river. It was the middle of the night when we realized America had been saved by God's mercy, and that He had honored our hard work.

As we are working for another victorious outcome in November, I am reminded of these verses in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7:

"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then, neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase."

So, to answer the question: After we have done everything God has told us to do, then we must be willing to stand: "Stand still, and behold the salvation of the Lord!"-------------------------Mario Murillo is an evangelist Mario Murillo, minister, blogger.

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