For example the "just get along virus". It has spread all over America. It works like this – People ask why we can't all just get along? What they really mean is they want to do what they want to do. They don't want anyone telling them no. In return they won't judge anyone else's behavior. Everyone does what they want. The drawback is it creates a society without any values. Everyone just does their own thing. It's a society that doesn't believe in God. It's a society that stands for nothing but self.
We also have the "man in control virus". If you don't believe in God, man must be in charge. The Founding Fathers believed in God and drew upon Judeo-Christian values in establishing our values as a people and a nation. Things worked well until we decided these values were old fashioned. Today people are confused about what is right and what is wrong.
Another virus sweeping the nation is the "all different virus". This is a tricky one because we all are different. No two humans are exactly alike. But they put everyone into a group by race, gender, class or scores of other classifications. And they claim only the people in their group can understand that group's problems. We are all different, but this virus divides people into groups, and each group cannot be understood by the other groups.
The "all different virus" pulls us apart as a nation. It divides our nation into special interest groups. It's the exact opposite of what we want.
Look at a US coin – E pluribus unum – out of many one. America is made up of people from all over the world. They come and become Americans – not Italian Americans but Americans, not black or brown Americans, but Americans. We are not made up of special interest groups each looking for special treatment.
Recently the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture published a piece on their website. It lists what they call the signs of "whiteness". Here are some of the signs – hard work, nuclear family - husband, wife and kids, planning for future, delayed gratification, value of time as a commodity, self-reliance, decision making, politeness. These traits apply to anyone who wants to be successful regardless of race, gender or creed. It can't be used as an excuse for not getting ahead. These traits are not signs of "whiteness", They are signs of success/responsibility.
Another serious virus comes from our educators. It's called "America was never good virus". It's not based on fact. It's used to denigrate the United States of America. It started in the late 1960s. Then in 1980 Howard Zinn rewrote American history with his controversial book "A People's History of the United States". He saw America as founded by selfish white men who exploited the majority of Americans. It continues to this day with the NYT "1619 Project". It states slavery in America started in 1619 and is in America's DNA. This is what our students are being taught today.
Why all this hate America for America? I believe in part it's jealousy and envy. I believe some see government as the provider for all our needs. It's the socialism/communist idea that we should all share our things. It's not equal opportunity they want, it's equal outcome. Other groups seek power and use chaos as the way to gain that power.
The most serious virus we face is the "no God virus". When man rejects God and puts himself above God trouble is close by. Just look at what some consider normal in today's world. -------------------------Check out John Green on Wikipedia.
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