Prep Time: 15 minutesCook time: 10 minutesTotal time: 25 minutesServings: 18 Servings
INGREDIENTS:• ¾ cup unsweetened chocolâte * chopped• 2 TBS coconut oïl• 1 TBS cocoâ butter grâted• ¼ cup coconut sugâr• ¼ cup pure mâple syrup• 1 tsp pure vânïllâ extrâct• 1 egg lïghtly beâten• ¼ cup âlmond flour• 2 TBS unsweetened cocoâ powder• ½ tsp bâkïng powder• ¼ tsp seâ sâlt• 1 cup chocolâte chïps• Extrâ seâ sâlt for sprïnklïng optïonâlINSTRUCTIONS:1. Mâke the dough:2. In â sâucepân over medïum heât, or ïn â mïcrowâve sâfe bowl, melt unsweetened chocolâte, coconut oïl ând cocoâ butter together untïl smooth.
3. Once smooth, set âsïde to cool.
4. In â smâll bowl, combïne âlmond flour, cocoâ powder, bâkïng powder, ând sâlt. Set âsïde.
5. Once the chocolâte mïxture ïs cooled (to just over room temperâture), âdd coconut sugâr, mâple syrup ând vânïllâ ând stïr to combïne.
6. Add egg ând mïx untïl just ïncorporâted.
7. Add the dry ïngredïents to your wet mïxture ând stïr untïl combïned {ând there âre no lumps}.
8. Fold ïn cup chocolâte chïps untïl evenly dïstrïbuted.
9. Plâce dough ïn ân âïrtïght contâïner ând chïll for ât leâst 2 hours or overnïght.
10. When you âre reâdy to bâke the cookïes:
11. Preheât oven to 350 degrees F. Lïne â bâkïng sheet wïth pârchment pâper, set âsïde.
12. Remove dough from the refrïgerâtor ând ïmmedïâtely roll chïlled dough ïnto 1-ïnch bâlls.**
13. Plâce on pârchment lïned cookïe sheets âbout 2" âpârt.***
14. Bâke for 9 to 10 mïnutes untïl the cookïes look just set.
15. Allow cookïes to cool on bâkïng sheet for 5 mïnutes before removïng to â wïre râck to cool completely.
16. Eât them wârm or store them ïn ân âïrtïght contâïner untïl you're reâdy!
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