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Shotguns.  No bueno.  In many people's heads the be-all end all of home defense.  Both folks that believe all the myths, and folks that no.  This is the counter argument.

Ok, discounting the people that don't know anything about shooting.  Shotguns are sub-optimal even for people that are intermediate shooters.  And the article goes into that.

But shotguns are what n00b people in Maryland are buying the most of, in the panic, if they can get their hands on one.  Because of myths, because of the laws, it is now the go to home defense iron

10+ years ago?  They were buying revolvers for nightstand guns.  Or something cheap like a Hi-Point.  So amateurs are going to get less than ideal shooting irons no matter what laws are in place.

So what SHOULD they get to protect hearth and home?  Well, training, of course.  But I can wish in one hand and poop in the other and come to think of it I am slacking on more training my ownself

I don't like shotguns, myself, but I have less training and practice with them compared to an AR or, especially now, a pistol.  If I could go back to when I was shotgun-less and advise myself what to get, I'd tell me to learn how chokes work and get a couple doubles.  For simplicity.  Because you aren't gonna shoot em much.

But say I had the training, and manual of arms was second nature with a proper 'tactical' style shotgun.  The comparison of positives (raw power) and negatives (long, bulky, clumsy indoors, low capacity) still makes me eschew the platform.  But that's just my opinion.  Right now.  Jeez, but, I know I can change my opinion over time.  I learned to like how Glocks work for me, after all.