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- This is a satirical website. Don't take any of its contents too seriously. You can explore the different sections using the column on the right. We don't recommend surfing this website if you are offended by sexist humor (specially misandry), dark humor, nudity or graphic images. - We do not support or justify sexism of any kind in real life. We do not support or justify any unethical or illegal behavior in real life. - Videos are embedded from YouTube and were posted there by their original authors according to YouTube's terms and conditions. All credit to their original authors. - Stories, testimonials and images come from other free websites. All credit to their original authors. - If you are a lady, we hope you have fun and learn new things here that will help you be a more confident, dominant woman 💓. If you are a guy... get out of here loser! 😁😁😁 Nah, just kidding... We hope you have fun too.    Girl Power!!!