In addition, Brian and I wade into the rapidly evolving dynamics of the race for the Democratic nomination for President. A week ago, many people had decided that Bernie had it in the bag. Now, many say the same of Biden. I say...it ain't over until the fat lady sings! Am I speaking metaphorically, or will a brokered convention actually draft a fat lady to run for President? Ah, wouldn't you like to know? All will be revealed in the next few months. I, for one, anticipate a bumpy ride for the Dems, and I don't think we've seen our last momentum shift by a long shot.
Check it out:
And, for those of you hungry for more accurate news about the coronavirus, check out these articles:

Be that as it may, the moderates are dropping like flies, presumably to make room for Joe Biden as the anointed one of the establishment. The lone exception is Bloomberg, who's still plugging away and could easily amass a treasure trove of delegates in the next few weeks. Will he too be persuaded to join in the coronation of Biden? We shall see.
One of the most interesting dynamics in the race now is Elizabeth Warren, who is pointedly NOT dropping out, and seems to regard herself as a credible candidate for the nomination, especially in the case of a brokered convention. Perhaps she intends to capture the middle ground between Sanders and Biden and recast herself as a compromise choice? What's even more curious is the fact that millions of dollars are now pouring into the coffers of a Super PAC supporting Warren -- who previously derided Super PACs as corrupt! Where is this money coming from, and what purpose does it serve? Warren too may amass a decent collection of delegates in the weeks ahead. Is it possible that the establishment wants to keep her in the race in order to weaken Sanders' grip on progressives? If so, is she merely their stooge, or is she a willing participant in this anti-Bernie conspiracy? So many intriguing questions.
Here is info on the mysterious Super PAC:
Lastly, you might want to read this article, which will be music to any Republican's ears. It condemns the Democratic establishment for its anti-Bernie machinations, and it frankly calls for the demolition of the Democratic Party in consequence! Hear hear! The Dems are indeed treading on some very dangerous ground. They seem to be itching to turn their famous talent for intolerance on one another, and to go down in 2020 guns a-blazin'... Needless to say, if Bernie and Biden want to settle accounts with pistols at dawn, I'd be happy to "second" either of them -- or both at once!


Stay tuned for a great article on America's favorite pseudo-Indian, Liz Warren, in the coming days.


Naturally, Brian and I also get into some analysis of the state of the Democratic race for President, including the positives and negatives of a potential Bernie Sanders nomination. You know my view: we conservatives should wish Bernie well, because no one is better equipped to destroy the Democratic Party as we know it than him!
All in all, it's a great show, in my humble opinion. I hope you agree...

First, Bernie is a long way from locking up the Democratic nomination. In Nevada, where he will apparently scoop up two-thirds of the delegates, he got only one-third of the first round votes. In national polls of Democrats, he's hovering around 30% support. The betting markets now give him about a 55% likelihood of being the Dem nominee. All that's impressive, but it doesn't seal the deal by any stretch of the imagination. Just a few short months ago, Elizabeth Warren was in a similarly strong position...and now she's seen as less likely than Hillary Clinton to get the nomination! Political realities can turn on a dime. Yes, Bernie benefits from the divided field and the numerous candidates trying to claim the mantle of the "moderate alternative" to Bernie-style socialism, but he's got a long way to go, and the criticism that the Democratic establishment will unleash on him has only just begun. Bernie has myriad skeletons in his closet -- he's got a very long record, after all -- but in the past no one ever bothered to rummage through his dirty laundry, because he wasn't seen as a credible candidate for President, but rather as a kindly old kook. Well, things are about to "get real" for the Bernster, and no one can predict how that will turn out. Consider, for instance, the fact that Mike Bloomberg is itching to spend his millions on anti-Bernie ads. That could change the dynamics of this race in a hurry.
Consider also that, even if Bernie becomes the Democratic nominee, this is not the end of the world for America. In fact, it could be the best news that Trump supporters have had in a long time. That's because Bernie, as an unapologetic socialist/radical, ought to be a very weak general election candidate. There's no question that he would be disowned by many down-ballot Democratic candidates and by establishment donors, organizers, and officeholders. Bernie would almost certainly split the Democratic Party and cause diminished turnout among moderate Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents who would otherwise like to defeat Donald Trump in 2020. He will forfeit a major portion of the Democrats' base, in other words, and this will almost certainly help Trump to win the election. The Democrats' only hope, in fact, would be that a majority of voters hate Trump so much that they simply don't care who his opponent is. That didn't work in 2016, and I don't expect it to work in 2020 either.
Lastly, I would point out that, even in the very worst case scenario, i.e. the scenario in which Bernie Sanders becomes the 46th President of the United States, the solidification of a Marxist tyranny, the redistribution of wealth, a government takeover of health care, etc. are by no means guaranteed. In fact, even a President Sanders will be highly unlikely to accomplish and enact even as much as 10% of his radical agenda. If one takes "Medicare for All" as an example, as Amy Klobuchar has pointed out, that idea doesn't even command the support of most Democratic Senators. It commands the support of zero Republicans, so...simple math dictates that there is no chance whatsoever of Medicare for All being passed into law. Other parts of Bernie's agenda would run into similar problems, so that, in my opinion, the main outcome of his presidency would likely be extreme frustration among his supporters, who would have expected a "revolution" and gotten next to nothing. Meanwhile, an unpopular President Sanders would hand Republicans a golden opportunity to make a political comeback in 2022 and 2024. And, in the wake of that comeuppance, my hope would be that "democratic socialism" would never be heard from again in America, although Marxism certainly won't evaporate altogether (it is, sad to say, a cancer that festers and grows unchecked in leftist brains).
So, to make a long story short, my fellow conservatives and patriots, the rise of Bernie Sanders DOES NOT portend the destruction of all we hold dear. If we play our cards right, in fact, the fractures in the Democratic Party, and the escalating radicalism of that party, give us an excellent chance to win a solid victory in 2020 -- and thereafter to split the Democrats down the middle, such that they may never pose a threat to our republic and our way of life again.
I, therefore, am optimistic, and I invite you to take a deep breath and join me on the sunny side of life...