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Yeah, they've gone too far with all the closures.  The graph is flattened already, now it is too much.

Worse?  No end date.  It'd be bad, but better, if they said "closed til March 31st.  The re-open with these precautions."

This cure is gonna end up being worse than the worst projections of the disease.


Also, went grocery shopping.  The stores are lifting mightily to keep normal, but the corner hasn't turned.  No TP.  But did find some Tylenol.  No canned good like soup or stew or tastier meats, but more fresh meats.  That will be a big barometer of a return to normalcy.  The store is back to January levels.


Well you've got about another week I'd guess. Maybe two at the most. Then people are gonna start going back to work BECAUSE YOU CANNOT JUST SHUT DOWN THE LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. https://t.co/gudJI7oYOZ

— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020