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To suggest victims of family violence should 'turn the other cheek' is a toxic distortion of Jesus' teaching. A look at the context of these words, and how they are an invitation to challenge all forms of violence and control, including within the family. Read here, or listen here.

Some of us grew up with threats of hell, that burning lake of fire and brimstone into which the sinful will be cast at death to their everlasting fiery torment. Given how regularly hell comes up in many a church's preaching and in popular culture, and given how graphically it is described, you might wonder why I never mention it here. Am I avoiding all the nasty bits of the Bible? Well, no—but I think it's time we had that little chat: we need to talk about hell ...

Read here, or listen here.

Some of my mother's health kicks were worse than others. I could cope with brown bread, more lentils, less cordial; and we'd never been allowed lollies or chips. But when she decided to eliminate salt, meals became unbearably bland. Flavours no longer melded together, but jostled up against each other; everything lost its savour. "You'll get used to it," she'd say. "You just need to retrain your tastebuds." ...

Read here, or listen here.

A reflection for our kids as we prepare to bless them for the coming school year.

Have you ever noticed how few people at this church drive a Porsche? Or how little time and money most of them spend on fashion? Have you noticed how rarely they go on big fancy trips? Or how often they buy things second hand or fair trade? Do you understand the choices that many of them have made? ...

Read here, or listen here.

Once upon a time, the land was fertile and good. Sparkling rivers threaded through it; lakes teeming with birds dotted it; and on its edge the sea thundered, shimmering with fish. The people of the land tended it for millennia, creating intricate patchworks of forest and field. They enriched the soil and made it friable; they selected plants for abundance and ease. The people caught fish; they hunted and traded; they tended their crops. They built houses and raised children; they passed on law through story and song.

Read here, or listen here.

I've been browsing the app store lately, and it is simply marvellous how many apps there are to help me with my spirituality. There are apps for meditation and prayer. There are apps for devouring the whole Bible in a year, or for memorising passages, or for reading one verse very slowly.

Read here, or listen here.

It's the second week of Advent, a time of preparation, and many of us are indeed preparing. We're negotiating with families over who gets Christmas lunch, and who gets only Boxing Day. We're arguing over whether to buy presents for everyone, or just the kids, or no one. We're wondering if we can do handmade or recycled gifts, knowing we've left it too late, and that an avalanche of plastic is heading our way. We're ordering hams and Christmas puddings; we're decorating the house; we're making lists and checking them twice. We're juggling end-of-year events, and wading through Santa songs and pre-Christmas sales ...

Read here, or listen here.