We castrate men for many reasons. Most of which I have covered, but today we'll be talking about something very special. Castrating innocent men for being men or as a hobby. I am with a doubt one of these people. I'm in my early 20s and have been using rupture for about 11 years now. When I was a pre-teen and in my early teenage years all of my poppings were for a reason. Either for sexual harassment or sexism. But as I got a little older I began doing it for much smaller things like staring at my body or small instances of disrespect and now I use castration as a stress reliever or even just for fun. For example my most recent castration which was this past weekend, I was at a restraunt and a man walked into the bathroom. As he was using the urinal I walked in and grabbed his left nut with my hands amd dug my thumb into it as hard I could. Within seconds he fell to the ground and I stomped on his balls as hard as I could also. After several stomps I got in my knees and used …
So lately ive seen a lot of men talking about only have one nut and then losing their last one as well. This sort of concern is becoming extremely common as rupture becomes an everyday thing in certain parts of the world. In my city around 60% of men have one ball left. If any of those men are sexist or rude to woman or something else, they become eunuchs. Men with one nut are more common than men with no balls and especially more common than men with both balls so it makes sense that a lot more men are becoming concerned about their ball. As I have said before though, balls are not important to women so they shouldn't be important to men. A lot of men use that ball to cause harm to women so women stopped caring if men still have them. Men really need to stop asking if they should be let off the hook because they lost a testicle already because the answer will always be no. This past month, I have castrated 4 men with one nut and I know other women do the same. Its time for men to… This is something that I have been interested in for a while but haven't seen much of until recently. And what I mean by this is girls in elementary school being taught to rupture testicles and boys having rupture used on them. Teens have been doing this for a while now and That's great but hearing that girls in the 4th and 5th grade are popping balls is absolutely amazing. Ive even seen comments from a vice principal that boys are being castrated by students, teachers and even their own mothers. That being said even I think that only one ball should be taken from a boy before they hit puberty so they can have a chance to prove that they are good but if it is decided that they lose both then its still a good outcome. Now teaching girls to rupture isn't just so they can use it on boys their age, its also a good tool for self defense. A girl that young may not to able to pop the ball of a teen boy or grown man theybif taught properly they can certainly do massive damage. Ive… For a while now I have talked about castration of people you know and are close to but today I want to talk about castrating complete strangers a little more. First off, this is an amazing practice. Too many men abuse or are rude to women and get away with it. So picking random man at your college campus or on the streets, getting somewhere where the two of you are alone and taking his testicles is a good way of making society a better place for women. Imagine it. Say you are a man and ine day a woman you don't even know takes you to an alley and crushed one of your nuts. It would make you think twice before messing with a woman again. Also the more castrations are preformed, the less rape will be happening. I am sure there are men that I have castrated that would have gone on to sexually assault a girl. Now with all of this being said, if you are very young (from the ages 11-15) or you aren't very experienced, I would recommend asking a friend or even your own father if you c… Ive decided that I will freeze his sperm and castrate him after our honeymoon. We will be freezing the sperm this weekend. After that we will getting married in 5 months and then after the honeymoon I will use my mouth to rupture the testicle. About a month ago another blogger made a post about her first rupture experience. It was a good idea so I decided to do my own. I'm going to recount the first time I ever saw a rupture and tbe first time I did one myself, and both of those were actually on the same person.
My first time seeing a rupture was in 2005. At the time I was 9, my mom was 31 and my brother was 13.
My mom has always been very feminist so when she heard that my brother had been suspended from school for groping a girl, she was furious. She decided that there was only one he would learn. My mom wanted to teach him a lesson and also help me learn about self defense. So a few days go by and our mom calls us into the living room. She tells me to sit on the couch and orders my brother to stand in the middle of the room and take his shorts and boxers off. It was weird seeing him naked. After my brother strips our mom grabs one of his testicles and starts squeezing. My brother quickly fell to his knees as she con…