Happy Monday! I hope you're enjoying beautiful summery weather like we are today.
I'm getting excited for all things summer - especially the fresh produce! This week my mom is coming out for a visit and we plan to go strawberry picking. (I'm thankful for reinforcements since taking just one kid was a bit overwhelming last year.) I'm not sure how much we'll be able to pick during that time, but I hope to pick enough over the next few weeks to freeze for the winter.

Our garden is also really starting to come in. And believe it or not, we have even more garden space and even more veggies planted than we did last year! Hopefully I can get my rear in gear and share a 2015 Garden Tour by the end of June!
This Week's Menu Plan: 6/8-6/14 Monday: Ham & Swiss Casserole, RiceTuesday: Crock Pot Beef Roast with Potatoes, Carrots, and Salad
Wednesday: Creamy Tomato Spinach Pasta
Thursday: Crock Pot Teriyaki Chicken, Rice, Broccoli
Friday: Cookout! Hot Dogs, Pasta Salad, Salad/Baby Carrots, and S'mores for dessert :)
Saturday: Leftover Pot Roast
Sunday: Small Group - Smoked Pulled Pork Barbecue (We're in charge of the main dish this month and Hubby will be using his grill as a smoker like he did for this rib recipe. Dee-lish!)

When I was working on this week's menu plan last night, a thunder storm knocked out our internet. Since I'm writing this on my cell phone, I'm going to keep this short and sweet. It's a comfort food kind of week. Creamed chicken and biscuits, Grammy's oven-fried chicken, Nana's meatloaf, mashed potatoes... so many of our faves are on the docket this week.
This Week's Menu Plan: 6/1-6/7 Monday: Creamed Chicken, Biscuits, PeasTuesday: Tuna Wraps, Baby Carrots
Wednesday: Nana's Meatloaf, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes in the Slow Cooker, Balsamic Sauteed Summer Squash
Thursday: Grammy's Oven-Fried Chicken, Rice & Couscous Pilaf, Broccoli
Friday: Venison Fajitas
Saturday: Leftover Meatloaf, Baked Potatoes
Sunday: Leftover Oven-Fried Chicken, Leftover Mashed Potatoes, Cauliflower

Our holiday weekend was definitely memorable. It was our first time meeting our new nephew and Hubby's family's first time meeting our baby girl, which was definitely the highlight of our visit.
Unfortunately, at our family picnic on Saturday, our 18-month-old niece had a seizure and was admitted to the hospital overnight. It was a terrifying experience, but thankfully she is appears to be back to her normal, adorable self. The night she was discharged from the hospital she had a great time playing with Kiddo, and except for the hospital bracelet and a few marks from the IV and EEG, you would never know she spent about 24 hours in the hospital. There are still follow-up appointments to be made now that she's home, hopefully to determine exactly why she had the seizure as the doctors were not able to confirm the cause. We are praying for completely restored health and no more seizures.
It was all very scary, but we are so blessed to have supportive family and friends. Between caring for our niece while waiting for the ambulance, cleaning up from the picnic, helping with the kids (Kiddo, baby girl, and our 4-month-old nephew), making phone calls, sitting with my sister-in-law in the hospital, and many, many prayers, everyone chipped in so every need was met. God is good! And I am so grateful to have married into this special family.
To top off the weekend, a stomach bug passed through the family. My mother-in-law started with it after she came home from the hospital late Saturday/early Sunday morning. And by early Monday morning, Hubby had gotten it too. As of tonight, over 10 family members and friends have gotten sick. Since Hubby and I took the majority of the responsibility for the kids during the time that our niece was in the hospital, we are thankful that he didn't fall ill until after everyone returned. I'm also thankful that he was feeling well enough to travel home yesterday and that no one else got sick in the car. We're praying that we continue to stay healthy, especially the kids.
Obviously, this was not the weekend any of us would have wanted, but there are so many things to be grateful for, so I choose to focus on that.
This Week's Menu Plan: 5/25-5/31 Monday: Savory Crescent Chicken Pockets*, Chicken & Rice Soup*Tuesday: Venison Steaks, Easy Oven Roasted Potatoes, Salad
Wednesday: Cranberry-Orange Pork* (courtesy of my mom), Rice, Salad
Thursday: A variation of these Ham & Cheese Spirals, Baby Carrots
Friday: Simple Roast Chicken in the Crock Pot
Saturday: Spaghetti & Meatballs*, Salad
Sunday: Creamed Chicken, Biscuits, Green Beans

As I mentioned on Facebook recently, I'm still adjusting to this whole mom-of-two thing and I'm having a hard time figuring out a new schedule to work on bloggy stuff. It's especially difficult because I normally worked on the blog after Kiddo went to bed, but right now Baby Girl pretty much nurses allll evening long (about once an hour from 7:30/8:00 til 10:30/11:00), so it's hard to get in a blogging groove. It will take time to figure out the right balance, so I appreciate your patience as I adjust.
So... I actually did write up a Menu Plan for last Monday, but I never got around to putting on the final touches and hitting "publish." That means you get to see what we ate last week and what we plan to eat for most of this week. For the holiday weekend, we have a bunch of family get-togethers, so I'm not bothering to write a meal plan for Friday-Sunday.
Our Menu Plan: 5/11-5/17 Monday: Nana's Meatloaf, Crock Pot Parrots and Potatoes (leftover from last week's pot roast)Tuesday: General Tso's Chicken (made with store-bought sauce), Salad
Wednesday: Hamburgers, Salad, Easy Oven Roasted Potatoes
Thursday: Chicken Salad Wraps, Baby Carrots
Friday: Creamed Chicken, Biscuits, Salad
Saturday: Lasagna Casserole*, Salad
Sunday: Leftover Meatloaf, Baked Potatoes, Sauteed Summer Squash

Monday: Leftover Creamed Chicken, Biscuits, Green Beans
Tuesday: Crock Pot Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches, Rolls, Baby Carrots & Celery, Homemade Ranch
Wednesday: Leftover Lasagna Casserole
Thursday: Buffalo Chicken Wraps, Carrots
*Indicates a freezer meal.

It's the first week of May and Spring has really sprung around here. The weekend was gorgeous and today is another sunny day with a high close to 80! Flowers are also springing up, and there's plenty of pollen in the air... which means my allergies are starting to kick in. But I'm not going to complain today - instead we're going to play outside and soak in the sunshine. :)
This Week's Menu Plan: 5/4-5/10 Monday: Crock Pot Teriyaki Chicken, Rice, BroccoliTuesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs*
Wednesday: Pot Roast in the Crock Pot
Thursday: Tuna-Noodle Casserole*, Green Beans
Friday: Leftover Teriyaki Chicken
Saturday: Leftover Tuna Casserole
Sunday: Leftover Pot Roast
*Indicates a freezer meal.