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by Paul Jacob, Contributing Author: Are Democratic Party women . . . misogynists?

Last week, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the presidential race after coming in third in her home state and faring no better in any of the first 18 state primaries and caucuses.

"Warren seemed to be the ideal candidate," informed Erin Templeton, a Dean at Converse College, in The Guardian, but, as the headline explained, "there was only one problem . . . she was a woman."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attributed "a certain element of misogyny" to the senator's defeat.

"For the second time in four years, an exceptionally qualified female candidate lost to her male counterparts — some objectively far less qualified," argued Ella Nilsen and Li Zhou at Vox.

"Sexism was a big factor in Warren's loss," they asserted, concluding: "America apparently isn't ready for a woman president — at least not yet."

Yet, it was Democrats, not all Americans, who voted for two white men instead of her. And women constitute a clear majority of Democratic voters.

"She's female," Annie Linskey and Amy Wang chorused in The Washington Post, identifying the factor "many believe contributed significantly to her loss."

Noting that Warren's "departure came just days after another prominent female senator, Amy Klobuchar, dropped out," they neglected to discuss why Klobuchar endorsed former Vice-President Joe Biden, a man, and not her homogametic comrade, Senator Warren.

The biggest problem with doling out verbal recriminations against people who did not vote for Warren?

If everything is sexism, nothing is sexism.

Which only makes it harder to fight actual sexism . . . as the Democratic National Committee changes the rules to keep the only remaining woman in the race, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, off the debate stage.

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. ------------------Paul Jacob (@Common_Sense_PJ) is author of Common Sense which provides daily commentary about the issues impacting America and about the citizens who are doing something about them. He is also President of the Liberty Initiative Fund (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge Foundation. Jacob is a contributing author on the ARRA News Service.

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