That split has been evident in the last 24 hours as some emerging good news was generally ignored by the major media.
For example, researchers at the Imperial College in Great Britain initially predicted that the coronavirus would kill 500,000 people in the UK and more than 2 million in the United States. It was big news at the time.
But as more information comes out, it became obvious that the model was wrong. An update released yesterday had dramatically different results. The predicted death toll is now exponentially lower.
Referring to these new results yesterday, Dr. Deborah Birx, a key member of the president's Coronavirus Task Force, said this:
"The predictions of the model don't match the reality on the ground in China, South Korea or Italy. . . Models are models. There is enough data of the real experience with the coronavirus on the ground to really make these predictions much more sound."
Dr. Birx noted that in the major nations dealing the outbreak, the infection rate has never hit 1 in 1,000 people. It could, but that hasn't happened yet, and in some nations, it has peaked and infections are going down.
She also rejected something else that has been hyped by the media lately -- the notion that universal do-not-resuscitate orders are becoming necessary. "There is no situation in the United States right now that warrants that kind of discussion," Dr. Birx said.
This is still a fluid situation. Many early assumptions were based on a large number of infections. But Dr. Birx reiterated that there is no scenario in which "60% to 70% of Americans are going to get infected in the next six to eight weeks."
You can view her remarks here.
In related news:
But what you don't hear are the announcements of their recoveries. That should be big news. And that brings me back to the most relevant statistic that the media should be telling us every day. How many people have recovered after testing positive for Covid-19?
Here are the latest global statistics from John Hopkins University: 553,244 confirmed cases, 25,035 confirmed deaths and 127,567 confirmed recoveries.
The ratio of recoveries to deaths is 5:1. And the outcome in America will be much better compared to the rest of the world due to our advanced healthcare system.
Return To Normal President Trump continues to express his desire to get America back to work as soon and as safely as possible. As you recall, he had expressed the hope that we might be able to do that by Easter weekend.
It seems clear that New York City won't be ready to return to normal by then, and other large cities might not be ready either. But there are many areas of the country that don't have a serious problem now and won't by Easter either.
So the president suggested yesterday that the administration was looking at a county-by-county approach. Dr. Birx noted that 40% of states have just 200 confirmed coronavirus cases or fewer.
President Trump reiterated that this country was not built to be shut down, but we can do this responsibly. He told reporters yesterday:
"This is the United States of America. [Our people] don't want to sit around and wait. . . And, by the way, a lot of people misinterpret when I say 'go back.' They're going to be practicing, as much as you can, social distancing and washing your hands and not shaking hands."
The Big New Show As millions of Americans are stuck at home, they are watching a lot more TV. One new show in particular has record ratings. It's the Trump Coronavirus Briefing. Monday's briefing drew more than 12 million viewers, comparable to Monday Night Football.
When the virus first started spreading, the left immediately insisted that Trump stop his huge rallies. Well, now they want to shut down his daily press briefings. Some networks have even started cutting them short.
Until Monday Night Football comes back, Trump's press briefings are a good substitute. They are certainly a contact sport! You have a renowned quarterback going to the briefing room while reporters are hitting him as hard they can, doing their best to sack him. So far, I'd say the score is Trump 20, Fake News 0.
More Viral Threats Sadly, Covid-19 isn't the only virulent virus spreading throughout the world right now. Some are so infected with hate that they are blinded by anti-Semitism. They are spreading conspiracy theories about the virus and even attempting to spread the virus to Jewish communities.
For example, President Trump offered medical assistance to Iran, which is among the worst hit nations in the world. The regime admits that nearly 2,000 people have died, and international experts believe the real figure may be five times the official death toll.
But Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rejected our help, claiming America genetically engineered the virus to kill Iranians.
And as crazy as that may be, one New York imam is blaming the virus on infidel women who expose their ankles.
I am confident that our medical experts will eventually be able to find a vaccine for the coronavirus. And while there's no vaccine for the virulent virus of anti-Semitism, the best medicine to combat it remains the truth. -------------------Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer) is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families
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