In response to "To who wrote this.
You are basically claiming to be one of the good ones and maybe you are. But there are loads of sources online discussing testicle torture clearly written by men claiming to be trying to help that are bad. There are many sources that grossly misinform women about testicular rupture. They say it must be avoided and it is wrong to want it. So they are clearly lying to women rather than trying to educate them on how they can safely and constructivly use rupture as a punishment. There is so much shaming out there for women who have used or want to use rupture.
Mens rights groups are a big problem and are you doing anything to try stop them?" I have seen these articles and agree they are misleading. The worst part about them is how they appear to support women but then offer bad advice. Many trolls have accepted they cant ban the use of rupture by women so they are trying to limit it. They pretend …
David wanted to reply to a question. Interesting read. I wanted to respond to the first comment on my post. A few people made some fair comments that I would like to addess but im stuck for time so will get to the other ones when I can. The first one is David, I read your letter like you wanted but I'm not sure how genuine you are. I have had a run in with a mans rights group and they were not as you described. I'm a 25 year old woman who works at a gym and we were wanting to start using testicle punishments on staff and customers. We were worried about male behaviour and wanted to act before any serious cases happened. We proposed a room where a man could be taken and tied to a pillar with his legs apart. His balls could then be kicked the decided amount. The male would be tied to the pillar and would remain still as rupture was applied. We wanted to make sure it was easy for women to cause rupture and encourage it. We also wanted to encourage women to report men for any bad behaviour… Hi all,Got a letter from David from a mens rights group. Its an interesting read and not what I expected. Please have a look and see what you think. I am leaning towards supporting the guy. Hi Lucy, I am a member of a men's rights group and I have been reading your blog and similar sources regarding the subject of testicle punishments on men. I, like many other of your followers have seen testicle punishments increase in popularity, become more acceptable and become far more common. As a man it is a reality for me that this is a real thing and it is here to stay. This movement has formed because men need controlling and their behaviour needs to be improved. It has come about due to an increase in sexual harassment and the rape culture we now see. In places where testicle punishment is used on men the improvement in these areas is huge. There is no denying that it has had a positive effect and sadly some men will not behave correctly because it is the right thing, they need a deterrent… Hi all got a new letter to share. Looks like he likes my article. I, like many of you read Lucy's last post about setting a man up to have a testicle ruptured. It was a very good idea and the man in that situation would have been trapped and would have little choice but to cooperate with the woman. She could then tie him down and carry out the rupture as she pleased. I'm sure the women who read this have no issues with using this method but it is worth mentioning that I as a man don't either. I accept that not all men will cooperate in these situations so out of the box thinking maybe required. A man should not be able to escape justice so this method can work very well. I think of it this way. If the man was a feminist once he was tied down he would tell the woman he agreed with her actions so no harm done. If the man did not agree then he is in the wrong for not cooperating and trying to escape justice so he deserves it. This shows that Lucy's method is morally ok. When a woman in… We talk about testicle rupture quite a bit in this blog. We talk about methods of rupture and ways to prolong the process to make it more painful. But we normally talk about it assuming the man receiving rupture is tied down or cooperating. We all know this is usually not the case so I wanted to talk about how a woman might go about trying out rupture for the first time on a man. So the idea is this. There is a woman who has read this blog and wants to try rupturing a testicle because she thinks she will enjoy it. So she packs some ropes into a bag to tie a man down. It is 6pm in a office and everyone has gone home. The woman does not work there but walks into the office. She finds a man working late by himself in a corner office. She wants to use this man for her first rupture experience. He does not know this or her. She walks in the door and can try a couple of things to get his restrained. One good idea is she threatens to scream and call the police and say he raped her. She say she… I haven't written anything in ages and have been posting what guys write so I thought I would put something up about rupture. The guys have written about it but I thought I would do a detailed bit on what it feels like to cause one. So say a guy is laying down with his legs apart and your kneeling between his legs and you have a testicle in your hands that you wish to rupture. The man it laying still cooperating as this is a punishment. He knows he is to feel rupture but is a feminist so he is taking it without any complaint. I would Tell the man it interlock his fingers and put his hands behind his head and try to be still as he is punished. This makes it easier to do. He is also laying down because a man's legs give way as the testicle ruptures so this way he is already down so there is no need to stop once the ball pops. So next I push my hold the testicle in one hand between my fingers and thumb and push my thumb into the middle of the testicle. This takes a fair bit of force and ov…