
Billboard Ads

Yesterday afternoon.  The Trader Joe next to my beer place is still closed.  Suspect Wuflu case with an employee, corporate shut the store down.  But my beer was back in stock a few door down and I got into a Traders maybe once a decade.

Beautiful blue sky.  Parking lot a LOT less crowded than last week at the Harris Tweeter.  My regular grocer.

Canned goods have made a partial comeback.  Still no Underwood devilled ham.

All of the following was at half levels, where there was none last week:

  • Lunchmeat
  • Eggs
  • Chicken and beef
  • Marinera
  • Still no joy:

  • Santizer
  • Lavatory Tissue
  • Flour or yeast
  • I figure we are getting back to normal when I can buy a 12 pack of Angel Soft.

    My work is still report as if normal.  Everyone in the building is essential.  One guy stayed home last week because his daughter arrive d from staying at Mom's with a fever and a sore throat, but he is back.  It was just strep.  YES!  Virtual high five from a fathom away.

    Yes, we celebrated the fact it was only a dangerous bacterial infection.