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Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic country, is making concerted efforts to develop its incredible ecotourism potential, with West Bali National Park (TNBB) serving as a pilot project.
“As a tropical country, Indonesia’s superiority is showcased by its national parks and the country’s rich biodiversity. Indonesia is the second richest country in terms of biodiversity after Brazil,” said Deputy Tourism Minister for Human Resources and Institutions.
TNBB attracts tourists with special interests in nature. “So, the national park has its own market,” she said, adding. ‘Today, nature has become an increasingly preferred tourist attraction.”
Rizki highlighted the importance of collaboration among different stakeholders with respect to developing the national park as the nature based ecotourism destination.
“We encourage tour operators to design forest-based packages and the government will help promote them to potential markets.” She said.
TNBB, Komodo, Bromo Tengger Semeru and Bunaken, to name but a few, are among the country’s national parks that serve as magnets for international visitors.
With nature becoming an alluring treat, conservation is, indeed, a prerequisite and is safeguarded by regulations.
Law No.5/1990 on natural resources and ecosystem conservation is the primary regulation development, according to Director General of KSDAE.
But monitoring on the ground is of equal importance to protect natural habitats, ecosystem and biodiversity. “Balai Taman Nasional (the National Park Office) and tour operators are directly responsible for it,” he said.
Conservation also involves economic and social aspects, with local communities expected to reap the benefits of the ecotourism activity. “Through the ctivity, we can help them improve their welfare. In this way, they feel obliged to conserve the biodiversity and ecosystem,” he noted.
Different stakeholders should refer to the regional development master plan for ecotourism development to ensure good collaboration,” he said.
Meanwhile TNBB head said that thanks to good collaboration among local stakeholders including BTN, the regency administration, village administrations, customary institutions, private sectors and local communities, the population of the wildlife that includes 205 types of birds, 18 types of butterfly could be well conserved.
The mountainous area of TNBB comprises different types of ecosystems, such as primary monsoon forest, mangrove, lowland rainforest, coral reefs and sandy beaches.
The forest police and forest ecosystems controllers conduct patrols on a regular basis to monitor the wildlife population to protect the natural habitat and conserve the ecosystem. “We also involve counsellors to raise awareness about the need to constantly protect the natural habitat among local communities,” he said.
The development of ecotourism in West Bali has provided job opportunities which party contributes to the sustainability of tourism.

Strict zoning system
Indonesia is home to 51 national parks, with TNBB becoming the first national park in the country to win first place in the Sustainable Destinations award from ITB Berlin in 2017. The park has been included  on the World’s Top 100 Green Destination.
Ecotourism development Acceleration Team (TPPE) head David Makes, meanwhile, said that the inclusion of TNBB in the Top 100 Green Destination had affirmed the Tourism Ministry’s vision.
“Through its Decree of Minister of Tourism issued in 2016, the government has designated TNBB as a pilot project for national ecotourism development,” he said.
TNBB adopts a strict zoning system, which defines the degree of activities permitted, controlling accessibility and land use within the park, “None of visitors are allowed to enter the core zone.
Only several spots within the park are available for accessibility.” Said corporate DOSM Plataran Indonesia which operates two accommodations and one venue & dining. Plataran Menjangan Resort & Spa and Bajul Eco Lodge by Plataran as well as Octagon Ocean Club. All are situated in the utilization zone of TNBB namely Plataran L’Harmonie.

Breathtaking landscape: Deers at the beach during sunset at West Bali National Park (TNBB)

TNBB’s biodiversity and endangered species, particularly the Bali Starling, were among the major draws, she said. “We package the natural assets in the form of ecotourism products such as Ranger of the Day through which tourists explore the forest and check trees as if they were a park ranger,” she said.
Most of the tourists come from Europe and the US. “But the number of domestic tourists is also on the rise,” she said.
“Many enjoy taking part in our conservation initiatives, such as tree planting,” she said.
With their location being quiet remote, “around 80 percent of our employees recruited locally”, she said.