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Among Glaciers

paved roads to agricultural areas in the south. From the top of a pick-up capacity of 4 people, we see the vegetation thinning, shrinking agricultural land, the land dried up, and the sky seemed closer horizon away. In 40 minutes we move from the countryside to the cozy Highlands, is uninhabited and barren. F26 replaced with asphalt roads, or paths Sprengisandur, which parallel the crack zone. Unpaved road dust is large enough to pass two vehicles and only opened in the summer.

You can go through the pathways along nearly 200 miles in a day, as long as the weather and water levels permitting. Several hours passed, it seems glacier Hofsjokull meets the horizon on the west side, as well as several mountain peaks. “I've climbed that it, and that was years ago," Inga, mountaineers senior, said. "Glaciers melting," he added. We passed through one corner of the largest national parks in Europe, Vatmajokull. Same name for the glacier here, also the largest in Europe. At the heart buried beneath the caldera.

Under Vatmajokull, tendrils flood-magma-Formatting a hot spot volcano Grimsvotn, that erupted in 1966, 1998, and 2004. The last eruption was 152 m melt ice in an hour and spewing ash that reached Finland. Some geologists reveal areas that may destroy in part the earth's crust as nails destroy weathered wooden planks. If there is a point that separates Europe and North America, it's here.

In the summer season, the sun still lit up at six o'clock, as we descended the valley Krokdalur.
We admired the series of waterfalls formed by glaciers. Back to the asphalt road. As evening approached, we arrived at the inn near a charming north coast Husavik, which is the area to see the whales. Husavik economy now depends on the people who are interested in seeing whales in the open sea NDI their dinner plates.