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Today, I'm covering another frequently asked question: What does your workout routine look like?

I get this one all.the.time.  Even more now that I've blogged about my Apple Watch and how I love the fitness app on there.  I get emails/comments asking about how often I workout and what exactly I do and I always try and answer them...but then about two weeks ago, Lauren emailed me and asked if I would chronicle a week in the workout life of Shay...good idea Lauren!  Thank you!  

So, a few little tidbits before I show you my week...

1. I really and truly don't stress about working out.  This is one of those areas where I do the best that I can and then leave it at that.  Would I love to workout more?  Yes.  Would I love to have more time carved into my day for it?  Absolutely. Do I feel better when I'm more active and at the gym?  Totally.  Is that happening right now in my life?  No.  This season of my life is full and kind of crazy (work at home mom with young kids, you know!), so I attempt to go to the gym twice a week and participate in my very favorite group fitness class.  Most weeks, I make it twice a week...but ironically, last week (as I'm chronically this for you), I didn't and then this week, Smith got strep...so I didn't again.  I just don't worry about it because I know that I'm doing the best I can...and really, that's all I can do, right?

2. I have tried a variety of workout methods over my lifetime and my favorite is group classes.  When I was younger, I danced (for 15 years), in college, I ran and lifted weights by myself, when I was first married, I ran long distances by myself and even a few marathons, and then after I had kids, I started group fitness classes.  

For me, I enjoyed running long distances during that period in my life because I wanted to be by myself ;).  I worked in the corporate world with lots of other people and dealt with clients all day long.  After work or in the morning, I wanted peace, quiet and alone time.  Then when I had Kensington and was at home for the first time in my life, I craved some adult time (to contrast all of the quiet in my house), so when she was six weeks old, I joined a mommy group fitness class (called Baby Boot Camp and then later after my franchise closed, I joined Stroller Strides).  I was a part of this group class for three years and it was WONDERFUL.  As a new mama, this time was invaluable.  First, it gave me a purpose and a place to be every morning.  We got up, we got dressed (workout clothes but nevertheless, it forced me out of my pajamas), it introduced me to a whole new set of friends (I didn't know a single person when I started), it gave me adult conversation, I learned so much for these mamas that had older kids (I love you Nancy and Helen!)...it was a life saver for me!  I only left three years later because my kids were 2 & 3 and they needed to be out of the stroller and more active themselves during my workouts, so I joined a gym that had great group fitness classes and wonderful childcare.

3. I personally love group fitness classes for several reasons: there is accountability with others, you meet people, you don't have to think (the instructor does all the thinking for you), it's always changing and there is a beginning and end time.  There's nothing worse than being at the gym by yourself and thinking, "did I do enough today?".  With group classes, they begin and they end.  Period.  You know when it's time to go ;).

4. My final thought is this...I'm a big believer that you can't out work a bad diet.  If your diet is not great, then no matter how much you workout, you're not going to feel/look the way you want.  I think I get by with less working out because I eat a pretty clean diet.  I eat a lot during the day (because ain't no one want to be around hungry Shay!), but it's healthy stuff that fuels me and gives me energy (lots of lean protein, whole grains, veggies and some fruit).

5. You'll notice that I don't workout every day.  Instead, I just really try to be active.  For me, active is the key!

So...here I was last week...a week in the workout life of Shay...

My friends and me before our class started.  Friends, I LOVE THESE GIRLS!  I would say that I have a group of about 15 girls that I workout consistently with every Monday and Wednesday.  We're all a little different, we're all mamas, and we all enjoy the time together more than the actual working out!  I snapped this pic right before class started: Narci, Amanda, Sarika, Erika and Brooke are just a few of my favorite friends at the gym.  I'm telling you...if you're looking to get connected with people in your town, group classes is a great way to do it!  We do a combination strength/cardio class twice a week.

 And then after school, I swam with my kids.  I love being outdoors with my kiddos and depending on the season, what we do changes.  From now until the beginning of September, you will find us in the pool.

I didn't do anything :).

I typically do another group class on Wednesday mornings...but this week, Kensington had her zoo field trip, so no time for class.  Instead,  I did 25 minutes on my stairmill at home before my kids woke up.  A quick 25 minutes and then I showered and headed to the zoo.

After the zoo, we came home and swam until dinner.

Here I am with my second cup of coffee.  I typically only drink one cup in the morning...but I was needing a little boost.  Right before this pic, I did a few things off of my fitness board on Pinterest:

We also walked home from school on this day. 

On this day, I jogged behind my kids as they rode their bikes to school.  And we saw a hot air balloon...because we live in a magical little town ;).

Smith had a baseball game on Saturday morning, and when it was over, we went on a family bike ride around our neighborhood.  Everyone went...even Poppy :).

I took a nap.  Seriously, I did.  And I never do that ;).

And then I'm typing this out on Monday morning...where I'm at home with a sick kid...so yet my workout schedule is interrupted once again.  No worries though because I did 25 minutes on my stairmill, rode my bike to school next to Kensington on her bike and then found a dead rat in our garage and ran like the wind...trust me, my heart-rate was up today ;).

For this season in my life, this is what I do.  I try and stay active, do the best I can and don't stress.    What do you do?  It's hard when you have littles in the house!  Please share your ideas with me too!

On my foodie blog today...

...my Avocado & Orange Salad.

This is a great lunch, side or even light supper too.  See the recipe here.
