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Hello Wednesday!

The last Wednesday of every month, Mel and Sheaffer and I do this little link up here where we share what's been going on.  We always answer these questions...  

...in our What's Up Wednesday posts.  We can't wait to go through your posts and see what you guys are up to this month too!  Thanks for playing friends and don't forget to link up!

  Let's get started...

1. What we're eating this week...
Monday, I posted my Meal Planning Monday and on the list was my Hawaiian Chicken & Rice.  This recipe is made in the slow cooker so you do absolutely nothing but enjoy it!  Woohoo!  All five of my Meal Planning Monday suppers are so simple and delish!  Your family will love them!

And then today's recipe is this...

...Apricot & Hummus Paninis.
Your lunch (or light supper!) never tasted so good!

2. What I'm reminiscing About...
We started swim lessons yesterday!  This is a pic of my kiddos last year on swim lesson day and then this is their pic from yesterday...

I mean...these three.

 Every year, we go to Ms. Sally's house for our annual week of swim lessons.  Ashby is still learning how to swim, but my big kids are learning fun stuff like diving.  I love this time of year!

For grins, here are a few other pics of them at Ms. Sally's over the years...

3. What I'm loving...
I'm totally diggin' my garden!!  We didn't do a fall/winter garden, so it's nice to have it back up this spring.  I'm always so excited at the beginning, by the end, I'm like sending everyone that leaves my house home with a dozen tomatoes because THERE IS JUST SO MUCH!  #goodproblemstohave

If you have gardening tips, I covet them!  Last year, you girls gave me excellent tips that totally saved me.  You can go back and read those here.

4. What we've been up to...

...and lots...

...and lots...

...of bike riding!

My kiddos are bike riding fools.  They want to be out on their bikes 24/7...so that's what we've been doing lately.  It won't be long and it will unfortunately be too darn hot to ride bikes around, so I'm glad they're enjoying it now.

5. What I'm dreading...
Green hair.

Y'all know I have to work on not getting green hair every summer.  Over the years, I've learned that if I put on conditioner before I get in the water (on either wet or dry hair and don't wash it out), then my hair doesn't turn green.  It's a daily battle over here.

6. What I'm working on...
So many vacations!


Y'all...there is nothing I love more than setting down and planning someone's vacation.  Oh wait, there is one thing...
 ...sitting down and planning my own :).  I love planning my own the most...but planning other people's is a close second ;).  The first pic is from Rick Steves.  We love watching his videos for travel ideas.  This was us watching him on the iPad to plan our own vacation and then...
...this is one of my super cute families that just got back from Walt Disney World.  Aren't they adorable?!?  I am currently planning trips for existing clients anywhere in the world (I have an awesome Alaskan trip coming up next!) and then for new clients, I'm planning trips to Walt Disney World and on Disney Cruise Line.

For more info, email us at mixandmatchtravelagency@yahoo.com.

I love, love, love helping people make their vacation dreams come true.  It gets me so excited!!

7. What I'm excited about...
Speaking of excited...

...headed to be with my people.  I love you Bostonians.  Comin' your way in May!

8. What I'm watching/reading...
...my April Book Review has me all kinds of excited!  On Monday, I posted the six books I read this month and they are all winners.  If you loved The Help and/or The Kitchen House, then you will also love this one from my list.  Click here to see them all.  

And I'm watching...

...a lot of Red Sox games.  If you're looking for me, just listen for the sound of NESN and you'll find me.  Which leads me to...

9. What I'm listening to...
...all NESN...all day long.

NESN is the New England Sports Network and I listen to it pretty much 24/7 this time of year. (It's on TV and on their app...but I listen to it in the background as I'm working instead of watching it.)

10. What I'm wearing...
Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, me and dresses are having a moment...

My new favorite green dress :).  And it also comes in 10 other colors...

Plus, I showed you guys this dress on the hanger awhile back...

...and now, it's finally warm enough to wear it.  I wore this dress with my shoes from last year...but these Sam Edleman's are pretty identical. 

And then do you see the cute navy & white top in the background?  Last summer, Lucky had these tops out in red...

...and this year, they have it in navy and white.  Super cute!

11. What I'm doing this weekend...
Somebody I love turns 30 this Friday!


We have a birthday party for Catherine this Saturday night!

And then I'm doing this on Saturday morning...
This month, Andrea is hosting a Matilda Jane event benefiting Manda and her family!  Forty percent of your total purchase will go directly to the Maxwell family.  My girls and I will be there and hope to see many of you too!

12. What I'm looking forward to next month...

Skip Days!

Okay, so a few weeks ago, I shared on Instagram that Kensington said she wished she got to spend the day with me and no one else (like Ashby gets to most days).  I gently reminded her that she had that time...it just happened to be back when she was birth to 16 months (before Smith came along and interrupted our girl time).  So, I shared this and so many of you encouraged me to have an annual "skip day" for my kids where I take them out of school early one at a time and do something special just for them.  So, it's happening.  THANK YOU!

 One day this month, I'm going to take Kensington out early and one day, Smith.  They're not going to know when it's happening...it's going to be a surprise.  And then, we're going to do whatever they want for the day.  I'm going to do it on a day when Ashby is in preschool so that they totally get my undivided attention.  I'm super pumped about these days too!  Thank you for the suggestion!

13. What else is new...

Yesterday, I shared our Every Day in May idea!

Every day in May, I'm going to post one or two suggestions about how to live a little more healthy and happy that day.  So far, the ideas you and I have come up with span everything from going a day without coffee to paying for someone's beverage at Starbucks to getting a little more sleep.  There are so many good ideas!  Click here to read them all and/or add to them!  Beginning May 1, I'm going to post one or two ideas a day on Facebook.  Every day in May, let's do something good for us.

14. What I am giving (or want to receive) for Mother's Day...
Ohhhh!  Come back Friday because I'm going to do a Mother's Day giveaway!!  Along with my giveaway, I'm going to share some Mother's Day gift ideas.  Win, win!

That's all for this Wednesday!

Don't forget, if you blogged along with us, please link up below!

Happy Wednesday friends!
