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First things first...WHOA!  Yesterday, I kicked off our week with a $100 Container Store gift card if you guys would share your spring cleaning tips and holy guacamole, you shared some FANTASTIC tips!  This contest goes until Friday morning, so check out my post, leave a tip and enter to win the gift card.  I read every single tip and now, I'm totally pumped to spring clean this week!  You ladies are FANTASTIC!

Okay, it's Show & Tell Tuesday!  Woohoo!  Twice a month, we all link up with Andrea and show & tell ya something.  Today, we're sharing a day in our life!

About twice a year or so, I do these "day in the life" posts and they're always a favorite around here. I love reading about people's lives too!  I always enjoy seeing how other people are spending their time, so I can't wait to look through the link up.  I was going to document last Friday because it was pretty much a typical week day for us...but then I forgot...so I documented last Saturday instead.  

Here you go...a day in the life of us, Saturday edition :).

Mornin'.  5:22 and I'm up sayin' hi to you!

I know.  I am cheating on Keurig.  We were married for 11 years and it was a long and happy marriage...but over the summer, we stayed in two hotels that had Nespresso makers and it was love at first sip.  I'm a cheater.  And I have no regrets ;).

At this point, with coffee in hand, I glance out in the backyard and see Andrew doing yard work.  At 5:25 AM.  God bless Andrew Shull.

My furry friend awaits me in my office.  Please note, in approximately 95% of these pictures, I am wearing my house shoes.  I even wear them with shorts. #noshame #okaymaybealittle 

I'm still working my way through my One Year Bible.  You can start today (even though it's April 19!).  Just start with January 1st and go.  It's such a good way to read through the Bible!!  I bought my copy off of Amazon.  I'm also reading The Battle Plan for Prayer each morning too.
(And I'm wrapped up in my blanket because apparently pjs, a robe and slippers aren't enough to keep me warm...)

After my quiet time, I did a little work and then had about 20 minutes to spare...so, I hopped up here and watched this on my phone...

This is my 3rd favorite movie of all time and it's on Netflix, so win, win for me!
(Bridget Jones' Diary is my favorite and The Holiday is my second favorite...and just for grins, It's Complicated is my fourth favorite...but I digress...)

Inside the house around 7:15 ready to eat our traditional Saturday morning pancakes!

Annnnnd...he always makes the pancakes.  Score.

I love drinking any sort of veggie and for the past six months or so, these have been my fave.  I drink one every morning with my breakfast.  Speaking of which...

Two whole wheat pancakes with Nutella on top.  I love Saturday mornings!

My dad was out of town last week, so my mom asked if Kensington could spend Friday night at her house...so, she wasn't home and Ashby and Smith were still sleeping...so, Andrew and I ate our breakfast (saved them pancakes for later) and watched a little Rick Steves on the iPad to prepare for our next adventure.  Side note: I want Rick Steves' job.  If anyone knows how I can get me a job like that...please call :).

Hey!  Look who woke up!  Ashby started in on her pancakes and I...

...started working on a recipe.

Around 8:15, this guy woke up and sat down to his pancakes.  My view while baking.

I went and got Ashby dressed and ready to go because Erika was taking her and Bowen to Griffin's birthday party!  She was so pumped!

I have cool jobs.

 Speaking of which...one recipe down and one to go...
...this next recipe was savory, so I headed out to my little garden for some chives.

My little man was ready to help.

After recipe number two was completed, I went to take a shower and told Smith to get ready for his baseball game.  After I got dressed, I came out and found this...
...my baseball playin' boy sitting in my bed doing a word search.  This kid cracks me up!

We headed to grab a quick bite before his noon game.  Andrew was on the other side of the booth...and Ashby too!  Erika met back up with us and dropped her off.

At her brother's baseball game.  Thanks to the goodie bag from Griffin's party...she had bubbles.  Woohoo!

Warming up with dad.

Aunt Catherine, can I blow bubbles directly into your face?  Thanks.

Watching baseball with the cutest little baby in the world!  I wish I could show you her face...because it's PRECIOUS!  You guys know my friend Meagan who is fostering two little girls (you can read her story here).  Please continue to pray for them!  We're hoping these girls have found their forever home!

My big guy at bat!

We came home and had one hour between the game and their school's annual carnival.  I told Ashby she could skip her nap (since we only had an hour), but she needed to rest.  They cuddled up and watched Bubble Guppies together...
...these two.  Ashby insisted on fish for her snack...but since I had just gone grocery shopping the day before, I had the ingredients for a yummy snack...

...why is avocado on toast just so darn good?  I could eat it three meals a day!

Andrew went back out to work in the yard and I did laundry during that hour.

Instead of resting, she wanted to help.

All folded...but putting it up is really the worst part, right?

And in typical Smith form...
...he was asleep.  With his soccer ball.

Eeeks!! Look who came home!!  My mom brought Kensington back so that we could all go to the carnival together!

Let's do this carnival!

Carnival success!

After the carnival, we headed to eat Mexican food for dinner.  Because...we're Texans and if we don't eat Mexican food at least every other night, we cry.

Lovie and Ashby.

During dinner, Ashby alternated between laughing and crying (she was SO TIRED!) and Kensington and Smith had to move chairs because THEY WOULD NOT STOP TOUCHING EACH OTHER.  We ended our meal with laughs though!

And then we walked next door to the snow cone place...
...because, why not?

Ashby was sound asleep by 7:05 and Andrew ran to Home Depot to return some yard stuff he had rented, so the three of us all cuddled and watched Fuller House before they went to sleep...
...and it was the perfect way to end my Saturday.

That's a day in the life of us.

 If you missed my Show & Tell Tuesday posts from before...

And if you missed it in 2015, you can see those posts here.

Next time on Show & Tell Tuesday we share our personal style.
  And to see upcoming topics, look below...

On my foodie blog today...

...my spin on Simple Stuffed Shells!  (Hint: there is no stuffing.)

Happy Tuesday!