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Okay friends, I sat down to write out some monthly goals (or a to-do list) and had a random idea...what if we all tried to do something healthy for ourselves every day in May?  And encouraged each other?  

Stupid?  Weird?  Fun? Motivating?  What do you think?

I'm not talking about just exercise and diet related things...but all things just good for us (and most don't cost any money and can be done by people of any age!).  

Here are some of my ideas:

1. Drink only water for the day
2. Don't drink coffee (or only drink one cup...which for us multiple cuppers a day, that would be hard)
3. Walk around the block
4. Read one day instead of watching any TV
5. Go to sleep an hour early
6. If you have a pedometer already, increase your steps by 1000 a day (or more!)
7. Call your dermatologist and schedule a skin check
8. Go vegetarian for the day
9. Cut out sugar for the day
10. Turn off all social media after dinner for the rest of the night

What do you think?  I was thinking that if we all commented and left ideas, then every day in May, I could pick one or two ideas and share them with everyone on Facebook early that morning and then we could try and do that healthy/good for you/positive thing that day (or you could look at the running list and do something off of that).  You just might go a day doing one of these healthy little habits and then realize it wasn't so hard and go two days in a row doing it.  And then three.  And then before you know it, you're doing it all the time.  

May is the month leading up to summer and I don't know about you, but I want to go into summer feeling my best...rested, fit, healthy, maybe with some extra energy and pep in my step.  I do not want to go into summer feeling down, depleted, tired and worn out.

Here are a few more ideas:
11. Clean out on junk drawer/cabinet (because nothing makes me feel better than decluttering!)
12. Eliminate sodas/teas/whatever for the day
13. Pick one fitness activity off of Pinterest (I have a board full of them here) and do that at home
14. Have a quiet time before you jump into your day
15. Eat dinner at the table without the TV or phones and just enjoy

So, if you want to play along then comment below with some things you think you could do for the day to make you feel better.  And then follow me on Facebook and I'll share one thing every day in May that we can do together to make us feel better going into June.  I'm all about habits over here and these monthly goals have instilled some excellent habits in me, so maybe we could pick up a few new ones this coming month.

Comment below.
Find me on Facebook here.

And if you want to follow my Health & Fitness Board on Pinterest click here or see below...

Happy (almost) May friends.

And for dinner tonight...

...my BBQ Chicken Tacos.  Friends, these are insanely delicious and incredibly easy.  You will love them!
