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It's my April Book Review!

If you're a reader like me, then today you're all like...

If you're not a reader, then today you're all like...


For all of you readers, I read six books this month.  One biography, two very different pieces of fiction, one book about prayer, and two memoirs.  My books went from light to heavy really fast...so, there's a variety for everyone.

Don't forget that if you missed my 2015 book review (where I recapped all of the books I read last year), you can see them all right here.

If you want to follow me/be friends with me on Goodreads, click here.

And you can keep track all year long by clicking 2016 Books at the top of my blog.  I keep a running list of books right there for you along with my reviews.

Let's dive in to my April books...

  So, Amazon recommended this book to me, so I bought it.  The Gospel According to Coco Chanel by Karen Karbo is actually a biography about Chanel more than anything else.  I thought the life lessons mentioned in the subtitle would be about you know...handbags and lipstick, but instead they were about things like keeping your business afloat amidst World War II.  I sat down thinking I would be reading about one thing and ended up reading about another.  Overall, it was nothing like I expected but at the same time, I found it interesting.  If you ever wanted to know about Chanel's background (she grew up in an orphanage), how she became successful and how she retired but then came out of retirement in her 70s...then this book's for you.  

Wait for it.

As you guys know, I pretty much read a Hilderbrand book every month.  I think this is my 11th or 12th in the last year.  And...drum roll please...Silver Girl ...was my favorite so far!  I really, really, really enjoyed this book!  Disclaimer, this book was longer than her other ones, so I had been putting it off because it appeared daunting.  However, I read the whole thing on the way to NYC this month and loved every page.  Great story!  If you're a Hilderbrand junkie like me, read it.  If you need a good summer read, buy it.  So good!

I have been telling you guys this month about The Battle Plan for Prayer because I've enjoyed it so much!  This book can be read at one time or broken up by chapter (which the author recommends) and read a little daily with your quiet time.  I broke it up and read it a little every day and not only did I enjoy it, I was moved by it.  There are so many fantastic ways to improve your prayer life, make your prayer life more focused and really help you make that time more meaningful in your day.  My grandpa recommended this book to me and I'm so glad he did because this book is really life changing.  If you take the ideas and principles and really apply them to your spiritual life, you will be changed.

Necessary Lies by Diane Chamberlain was book #4 this month for me.  Erika gave me this book once we go to NYC and then I read it on the flight home.  I read every single page quickly because it just sucks you in!  If you liked The Help (which I loved!), then you will like this book too.  It's based on true events and every page has you wanting more.  I was quickly consumed by this book.  It is fascinating to say the least (especially when you learn it's based real life events) and the writing is impeccable.  Loved it!

Well, my friend Annie Downs' new book, Looking for Lovely came out this month and I kept texting her as I read through the whole thing.  There were so many moments when I wanted her to know that she wasn't alone, she was loved and that her writing was speaking volumes into not only me but several of my friends too.  This book surprised me because it is kind of about how we as women can get trapped in that whole self-loathing frame of mind.  You know how we can just pick ourselves apart, limit ourselves, and really not allow God to use us to the fullest?  Annie (who also wrote Let's All Be Brave) was brave in sharing this story.  If you, a friend of yours, your daughter...any woman you know, needs a little reminder that we're all lovely, God has lovely things in store for us, life is precious and should not be taken for granted, then this book is for you.  This was one of those books that I quoted the most this month to Andrew and my friends.  It is really meaningful...and lovely.

Last month, one of you sweet readers recommended that I read The Hardest Peace by Kara Tippetts and the timing was impeccable because Erika had just given it to me.  For reasons many of you know, this book hit close to home.  The author wrote this book as she battled stage IV cancer and her perspective and words tore at my heart.  As a mama, you don't want to think about leaving your family behind, but oh my goodness, she put such a raw and peace-filled perspective on it, that it spoke to my core.  One of my closest friends in the world is going through this now...and let me tell you, this book was hard to read. but I'm sure glad I did.  I'm praying for so many of you out there that are experiencing the same thing.  I know you're out there because you email me.  I love you.  I'm praying for you.  I'm sorry.  This book is hard to read (because the pain is real), but you will turn the last page and feel the author's peace, hope and joy that can really only come through having  a relationship with Jesus.  

So, that's what I read this month.  Side note: I already started my first book for May and since my last two books this month were heavy, I picked a completely frivolous book to kick off next month ;).

Also, don't forget to link up with us for What's Up Wednesday is Wednesday!  Our bonus question for the month is...What's your favorite mother's day gift to give or receive?

And on my foodie blog today, don't forget about Meal Planning Monday!

Five simple suppers for your busy week!  See them all here.  I'm serious...it will make your life easier this week :).

See you tomorrow friends!